Visit the Counseling Office

Services Offered

Meet with a Noncredit counselor to:

  • Obtain information about programs and courses 
  • Get help figuring out the classes you should take to help you reach your academic and career goals
  • Obtain information about Assessment/Placement Tests, and other requirements for restricted courses
  • Get access to restricted courses (Adult Basic Education, GED Prep, and Adult High School) 
  • Ask the counselor questions
  • Create your Student Education Plan (SEP). The Student Education Plan (SEP) is developed with a counselor’s guidance and is based on your specific needs. It will help you identify the best order to complete required courses and clarifies the length of time for program completion. You can think of the SEP as a road map to reaching your educational goals. The SEP also ensures your semester schedules are well balanced between course load and your personal commitments.
  • Complete a petition form to receive your Adult High School Diploma

Services available by appointment or on a walk-in basis.

Students registering in Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult High School, or GED Preparation courses are required to meet with a Counselor. You will not be able to register for these courses until you meet with a Counselor.

A Counselor will meet with you to:

  • Help you plan your class schedule
  • Create your student education plan
  • Make sure you are placed in the correct courses you need to help you meet your goals
  • Answer questions you may have
  • Grant you access to register for these restricted courses

Steps for Adult High School and GED students:

  1. Make sure your LancerPoint account is active
  2. Complete Assessment/Placement tests
  3. Schedule an appointment with a Counselor on the day of your Assessment/Placement test.

Steps for ABE (Adult Basic Education) students:

  1. Make sure your LancerPoint account is active
  2. Schedule an appointment with a Counselor by contacting the Noncredit Counseling department at  or (626) 585-3006 .

Our connections with the surrounding community also enable us to refer you to resources outside of PCC that can help you achieve your career, educational, or personal objectives.

Beyond just academics, we can help you with personal topics, such as personal growth and stress management.  Services available by appointment only. 

Our Noncredit DSP&S Counselor can help students with documented disabilities get access to all of the College’s programs and activities through appropriate and reasonable accommodations. For more information, go to DSP&S Services.

How to Meet with A Counselor


Call or visit our office to schedule an appointment with a counselor.


Walk-in appointments are available during our hours of operation for Academic Counseling, first come, first served. Walk-in services are not guaranteed and are based on counseling availability.

Our Noncredit Counselors

BrianJoseph Pangan

Brian Pangan, M.S.

Blanca Hernandez

Blanca Hernandez Henderson, M.S.

Jennifer Flores

Jennifer Flores, M.S.

Eleanor Gray

Eleanor Gray, M.S.

Cynthia Mata Flores

Cynthia Mata-Flores, M.S.